A surprisingly simple three-dimensional touch interface for a revolutionary new input method. Utilising our ability of precise orientation in a concave touch surface. The result of a haptic exploration, fast prototyping and testing process.

Client – Hyundai
Date – 2014
Role – Lead Industrial Designer at Designaffairs


For quite a while German car brands are using mechanical multi way joysticks to operate the car navigation and multimedia applications, while Tesla is committing to touchscreen only solutions. The reason why mechanical inputs are still in use, even when they seem outdated, is the huge benefit of their haptic feedback. This lets the user operate them with the least amount of distraction from the road. A benefit that touch surface technologies can’t provide jet.

Hyundai challenged us with a briefing, to come up with a solution for the near future and rethink the interaction from the ground up. 
The design process was led by quick perceptible prototypes and  testings in a range of driving related contexts. Through this exploration we became aware of how precise the orientation of our index finger is in a concave surface.

In combination of a haptic response, by a finely tuned vibration motor, we were able to create a very fast and intuitive interaction method, to be operated completely blind. It naturally understands all common swipe, pinch and zoom gestures. Even hand writing inputs are possible.

The concept has been published first time on the IAA in Frankfurt 2015.


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